Be/Do/See the Good.

It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post. More often than not, it’s come down to the fact I’ve just been “too busy”. ‘Too busy’ to sit and write. ‘Too busy’ to carve out an evening to reflect on not only what calls me to write, but to actually have the time & discipline to do it.

Fast forward to now. I certainly can’t use that excuse now. The majority of us are hunkered down. Some of us are in our homes, surrounded by our family members. Some of us are alone. Some of us are required to work—some are working 14+ hours to keep the rest of us safe.

A lot of us are feeling uncertain, overwhelmed, worried, anxious. We don’t know what the future holds and that can be scary for those of us who rely and love planning out our schedules & calendars. I actually dreaded creating our monthly dry-erase calendar on the first of every month. It was a regular occurrence trying to figure out how we’d be in two or three places at once with 3 boys who are all involved in sports, clubs or busy with friends. I remember thinking MULTIPLE TIMES, “Ugh. I wish we could just have a free Saturday.”

Now, with what sometimes seems like there’s no end in sight, I’m finding myself wishing I could have a BUSY Saturday. Or afternoons & evenings full of baseball practices & games, basketball games, Destination Imagination practices, golf lessons, youth group, morning coffee dates, dinner dates with friends, church gatherings and all of the other things we find time to do.

As for being a maker in the middle of a pandemic, well, that has been difficult to navigate. Shows & markets being cancelled when this is where a bulk of my Imy’s Joy income comes from. We’re having to rely on our online shops & Etsy shops to make a living as best as we can. But I have a lot of conflicting thoughts, feelings & questions swirling in my mind & we’re faced with these dilemmas:

Is it really appropriate to advertise, push my “joy-focused” products at a time like this?

How about all of the selfless, hardworking citizens who are working tirelessly for us and our country? The doctors, nurses, EMTs, police, firefighters—all of our 'essential’ workers/businesses? Isn’t it selfish of me to keep acting like my job has even a sliver of importance during all of this?

And how about those who are seeing their loved ones affected by this virus? I feel like I’m constantly praying over those I know who either are sick or have a loved one who is. It is such a scary time and it stops me in my tracks, makes me prioritize and immediately express gratitude for those who are our caretakers and providers in all of this. How can me trying to carry on a business focused on spreading joy be consequential at a time like this?

And how can I expect anyone to want to spend their hard-earned money on my work at a time when we are all trying to conserve, only buy necessities and limit spending?

As all of these thoughts overwhelm my mind, but I’m left with this…


I will continue creating, in hopes that markets and shows will return in full force one day in the future…I might not know the When, but I do know that eventually we’ll find a new normal. It will very likely look different for a long while. But as I’m pulled to create, I’m reminded that whether through music, hearing stories of the Good that is happening in the midst of all of this, or Face-timing with my family & friends—it encourages me to keep trying my best to spread joy & encouragement in the midst of it all.

We are best when we show our vulnerability, when we show up to really be seen. We relate better to one another, we share what’s on our hearts. We’re honest and open with what we’re feeling—and in turn, we all feel seen and heard and that can only be good for us in times like this.

I believe after all of this is over, we will be better people.

We will tell others often what they mean to us. Saying I Love You, or I Appreciate You or Thank You more freely.

We will never miss an opportunity to hug our friends & family.

We will stop complaining about how busy we are—and I think we’ll learn to continue to make down time with our family a necessity.

We will say Hello to passersby, open more doors for others, make a point to show kindness whenever possible.

We will place nurses, doctors, first responders, teachers on the pedestals they deserve to be upon. Paying them and treating them with the respect they so deserve.

And may we never, ever take our privileges for granted…getting to travel; a trip to the grocery or our favorite local shop; eating out at restaurants with friends/family/coworkers; going to a workout or yoga class; watching our kids play sports, perform or shine in their “thing”; watching our kids hop on & off a bus to/from school; having coffee with a friend; going to the movie theatre or a live concert or play; seeing our kids play outside with neighbors…

All of these things bring me Joy. But for now, I’m learning to find joy in the simple things. I’m learning that when I journal daily and practice gratitude, it can completely change my mindset for good. I’m learning to appreciate my family in ways I was “too busy” to notice before.

And I’m learning that creating/painting and continuing to “do” what I do with Imy’s Joy IS important. It's not changing or saving lives. But I do hope it will be a teeny, tiny part in sharing encouragement & hope to a few in these difficult times. I hope sending Surprise Happy Mail to a handful of past customers each week will bring smiles to those—because it certainly brings me joy doing it. I hope seeing colorful & happy stickers on your laptops & coffee mugs make you smile. And I hope reading the words on your signs hung up in your home keeps you focused on the Good.

As I sign off here, may I again express my absolute and sincere gratitude to those of you who have shopped these past few weeks. Not sure I can tell you how grateful I am. You all are the Best and I am so thankful for this platform and for your business & support.

Stay healthy & safe, friends.

Much love & gratitude


Sarah KruerComment