All in this together.

Well, it’s Wednesday. Another hump day and I, for one, am grateful it’s officially April.
I know we are all handling this quarantine differently. Coping differently.

Some of us share funny memes with our friends.

Some of us bake anything and everything we’ve pinned on Pinterest.

Some of us have set up a temporary office in our bedrooms...because FYI, the dining room doesn’t have a door.🤦🏼‍♀️

Some of us are considered essential employees and leave our homes everyday with a pit in our stomachs.

Some of us are finding ourselves in deep depressions, anxiety high and constantly worried about the unknown.

Some of us are working out twice a day just to keep ourselves sane.

Some of us are struggling to even get outside and take a walk or find the drive to do anything.

Some of us sit on our couches, snuggled up, binging on Netflix because it’s a welcomed escape.

Some of us have sworn off social media and the news, because we can’t take any more negative news.

Some of us are sick, worried what the next hour or day will hold.

Some of us are reading book after book to dive deep into someplace else.

Some of us are playing endless board games and crafting with our kids because it’s what keeps us going and sane.

Some of us are setting up zoom meetings with family & friends because we just need to reconnect with others.

Some of us are feeling loved and cared for. Some of us are feeling lonely.

My point is, you may relate to one or some of these. Or you may not relate to any of them. And that’s okay. It’s okay, because no one is going to respond to this in the same way, because we are all different. We all handle things in our own way. No way is right, no way is wrong. How I respond to feelings of worry and isolation will be different from the next person and the next.
What matters is that we remember we’re all in this together.

Let’s be gentle with one another.

Let’s choose to encourage one another however we can.

Let’s choose kindness.

Let’s give ourselves and each other grace.

Let’s choose to love on each other, no matter how differently we are all handling the circumstances.


This quote by Roy T. Bennett is one I’ve had written on my bulletin board a while. Some days, I can read these words and feel encouraged and it motivates me to rise up. Some days, like yesterday was for me—it does nothing for me. Yesterday was a hard day.

And guess what? It’s totally okay. We won’t always be in a ‘good place’, and we can acknowledge the place we’re in and know, above all, it’s temporary. Tomorrow will come and it’s a new day. New day, new chance to grow, to shine, to show love & kindness.

Much love to you all friends!♥️


Sarah KruerComment